Things You Do That Can Cause Serious Email Security Issues

Businesses make use of email to communicate with clients, partners, and employees. Email is also part of every company’s branding, as it helps create a statement about the business. We don’t simply use it to send offers and entice existing customers to avail of more of our products. We also make use of it to exchange pertinent and confidential data.

If you fail to practice adequate email security, you may end up sharing sensitive information with hackers. They can then use this against your company and ruin your reputation. This is why email security s a must for every business. But small businesses are prone to email security issues due to their lack of security measures. If you are guilty of doing any of the following, then you’re already putting your business at risk:

Sharing email account information with others

Each employee should have an individual email. If anyone else gets hold of your password, they can use this to steal confidential data, including your customer’s information. This is why each employee should know that they are not allowed to share their business email information with anyone. It is also a good idea to make all the employees change their passwords once every three months to secure their emails better.

Not knowing how to handle SPAM emails

Everyone gets to receive SPAM emails, including business emails. If you’re not sure about who has sent the email, avoid opening it. But don’t delete it. Instead of simply replying to SPAM emails, make sure that you mark them as SPAM instead. If you or any employee often receives SPAM emails, you can always ask your IT personnel to filter them out for you. Also, avoid using the unsubscribe button from the email itself.

Using phone

Thinking that you don’t need an email backup solution

Did you already migrate your business email to Microsoft 365? While this helps you manage your business email better and boost employee productivity, this is not enough to secure your email. Take note that this does not guarantee that your email is safe from hackers and data loss. Remember that hackers are getting better, and their phishing techniques are improving each day. By investing in Office 365 email protection, you will have that peace of mind, knowing that your corporate email is protected. You can easily recover your files when you need them.

Failure to utilize email encryption

Encrypting your emails allows you to disguise email contents as a way to secure sensitive data. With email encryption, only the person you intend to send the email to can read its contents. This also allows you to prevent unauthorized users from capturing any data and seize control of your business emails. Without email encryption, hackers can intercept your emails and take advantage of any information they can get.

Data breach and data loss are more common than you think. Since your business email can be a minefield full of pertinent and confidential business data, it is only a must that you do everything in your power to secure it. You can avoid business risks, avoid identity theft, protect your backups, and ensure email availability in your business.

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