Why DIY Tech Is the Future of Hobby Computing

Technology is becoming more and more ingrained in our lives. To think that just a few decades ago, many of our everyday tasks and business processes were still analog, it’s amazing to see how far technology has gone. Imagining a life without computers, the Internet, or a smartphone is difficult. These conveniences we enjoy are often taken for granted since they’re so readily available we often forget that we once lived a life without them.

And as technology advances and becomes more accessible, newer subcultures surrounding it form. Subcultures that drive the economy and create new pocket industries. Hobbyist GPUs go for thousands of dollars apiece, and the processor market is now a multi-billion dollar industry. Smartphones are becoming a hobby of their own as well. But one of the most interesting hobbies to come out in recent years is the do-it-yourself technology.

DIY tech is just like what it sounds: creating computers, robots, or other everyday tech devices for daily use. With many manufacturers making consumer-grade parts for tinkering use, creating your own device has never been easier. But why is it growing in popularity? You can purchase computers and other smart devices for relatively cheap nowadays, so what does DIY tech have in it for you? Here are a few reasons

It’s Cheap and Available

When talking about hardware designed for piecing a new device together, we often think of shady back-alley deals just like those we see in cyberpunk movies. This cannot be further from the truth, because in reality, you can often find parts in your usual technology shop. Many computer stores now sell single-board computers (computer motherboards as big as a credit card) and other peripherals that can be used with them. And they’re not expensive either, with many single-board computers costing around thirty to sixty dollars. The peripherals for it costs even less, and if you’re smart enough, you can re-use existing devices with it. This is one reason why DIY tech is becoming big: it’s a cheap and accessible hobby to get into.

You Can Make Whatever You Want

Gaming is now a major industry whose annual profits cannot simply be ignored. We now live in a time when publicly-traded video game companies exist. But you don’t have to be a slave to their products and brands. With DIY tech, you can create your own video game console. All it takes is a little bit of research and elbow grease.

If you’re not one for video games, you can make a small computer whose sole purpose is to remove ads in your network. Or you can make a streaming box so you can watch your favorite shows on whatever TV you have. Perhaps you want to make a laptop to your own liking- all of these are possible. DIY tech allows you to exercise your creativity and create what you want. If you can think it, you can plan it, and if you can arrange it, all it takes is the technical skill to pull it off.


Great Entry for Programming

Many DIY kits offer teach entry-level courses for a wide variety of programming languages. From python to java, to C++ to basic, you can learn all of these through very beginner-friendly modules provided in DIY kits. These kits can do a lot and do a lot of wonders for both personal and business use.

Easy to code programs for tracking a social media account’s follower or subscriber count, checking your SEO services, simple task automation—all of these are readily available in easy to learn format. These kits are not just targeted at children looking to learn programming but can also help an adult with scant knowledge on programming to create something useful.

There’s a Wide Variety of Resources

With all these ‘learn’ and ‘make your own’ talk, you must be thinking, “don’t I have to be an electrical engineer to pull this off?” Luckily, you don’t have to be! Most DIY projects have extensive documentation online by those who attempt it, providing feedback and knowledge to whoever wants to take a shot at creating their own.

The community behind DIY tech is a very giving and caring one- a quick search on the web will yield hundreds of resources. From video guides to PDFs, from shops that sell beginner kits to paid courses offering to teach you soldering to programming- their learning resources are endless. You only need to tap into this wealth of information, and you’re free to try your hand at creating the device of your dreams.

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